Publications submitted
- Da, C., S. Penny, S. Akella, E. Hackert (2024): Coupled Data Assimilation of Satellite Sea Surface Temperature and Salinity Measurements in the NASA GEOS Earth System Model, (submitted)
- Shin, S., J.-S. Kang, S.-C. Yang, E. Kalnay, C. Da, and S. Mote (2023): Advancements in Data Assimilation Techniques: Ensemble Kalman Filter and Its Applications to NWP Systems (book chapter by Springer), (submitted)
Books and book chapters
- Kalnay, E., S. Mote, C. Da (2023): Earth System Modeling, Data Assimilation, and Predictability, 2nd version, Cambridge University Press. (In press)
Peer-reviewed journal publications
- Halem, M., A. K. Kochanski, J. Mandel, J. Sleeman, B. Demoz, A. Bargteil, S. patil, S. Shivadekar, A. Iorga, J. Dorband, J. Mackinnon, S. Chiao, Z. Yang, Ya. Yesha, J. Sorkin, E. Kalnay, S. Safa and C. Da (2024). Towards a Dynamic Data Driven Wildfire Digital Twin (WDT): Impacts on Deforestation, Air Quality and Cardiopulmonary Disease. Dynamic Data Driven Applications Systems. DDDAS 2022, vol 13984. Springer.
- Yang, J.X., Y. You, W. Blackwell, C. Da, E. Kalnay, C. Grassotti, Q. Liu, R. Ferraro, H. Meng, C.Z. Zou, and S.P. Ho, and co-authors (2024): SatERR: A Community Error Inventory for Satellite Microwave Observation Error Representation and Uncertainty Quantification. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 105, E1–E20.
- You, Y., G. Huffman, C. Kidd, S. Braun, W. Blackwell, J.X. Yang, and C. Da (2023): Evaluating and Improving TROPICS Millimeter-Wave Sounder’s Precipitation Estimates over Ocean, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmosphere.
- Chang, C.-C., E. Kalnay, T.-C. Chen, C. Da, and S. Mote (2023): Estimating Ocean Observation Impacts on Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Models using Ensemble Forecasting Sensitivity to Observation (EFSO), Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2023GL103154.
- Kalnay, E., T. Sluka, T. Yoshida, C. Da, and S. Mote (2023): Review Paper: Towards Strongly-coupled Ensemble Data Assimilation with Additional Improvements from Machine Learning, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 30, 217–236.
- Pentakota, S., S. V. Gade, S. A. Rao, C. Da, K. Bhargava, C.-C. Chang, E. Bach, E. Kalnay, T. Sluka (2020): Monsoon mission II: advances in coupled data assimilation, ensemble forecasting, and assimilation of altimeter observations, CLIVAR Exchanges 79, DOI:
- Penny, S. G., E. Bach, K. Bhargava, C.-C. Chang, C. Da, L. Sun, and T. Yoshida (2019): Strongly coupled data assimilation in multiscale media: Experiments using a quasi‐geostrophic coupled model. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 11 (6): 1803-1829.
- Ren, L., C. Da. and M. Yin, (2016): Bias and observation error characterization of the Fengyun-2F Stretched Visible and Infrared Spin Scan Radiometer with the aim of its radiance assimilation. Remote Sensing Letters, 7(3), 200-209.
- Da, C. (2015): Preliminary assessment of the Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI) measurement onboard Himawari-8 geostationary satellite. Remote Sensing Letters, 6 (8): 637-646.
- Zou, X., and C. Da (2014): An objective regional cloud mask algorithm for GOES infrared imager radiance assimilation, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119, 6666-6680.
- Da, C., A. Farguell, S. Mote, E. Kalnay, M. Halem, J. Mandel, A. Kochanski, S. Chiao, B. Demoz, Z. Yang (2024): Universal Instrument Simulation Wrapper (UISW): A Lightweight and Flexible Observation Simulation Library in Support of Cal/Val, Data Assimilation and Digital Twin Projects, 104th Annual Meeting of American Meteorological Society, Baltimore, MD.
- Mandel, Jan, M. Halem, C. Da, A. Kochanski, A. Farguell, M. Weldegaber, C. A. Cruz, Z. Yang, J. Sorkin (2024): Integrating WRF-SFIRE-CHEM in NASA Unified WRF (NUWRF), 104th Annual Meeting of American Meteorological Society, Baltimore, MD.
- You, Y. L., H. George, K. Chris, B. Scott, B. William, J. X. Yang, C. Da (2023): Evaluating and Improving TROPICS Millimeter-Wave Sounder’s Precipitation Estimate over Ocean, 103rd Annual Meeting of American Meteorological Society, Denver, CO.
- Da, C., E. Kalnay, T.-C. Chen (2023): Multi-layer Observation Localization for Hyperspectral Infrared Observations in the LETKF: Ideal Experiments with a Multi-layer Quasi-geostrophic Model, 103rd Annual Meeting of American Meteorological Society, Denver, CO.
- Halem, M., J. Mandel, A. Kochanski, S. Chiao, Z. Yang, E. Kalnay, J. Sleeman, J. Mackinnon, J. E. Dorband, Y. Yesha, S. Motesharrei, C. Da, S. Shivadekar, A. Bargteil, J. Sorkin, S. Hamer (2022): Towards a Dyanmic Multiscale Wildfire Digital Twin, AGU Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL.
- Da, C. (2022): Multilayer observation localization for nonlocal observations in the LETKF (invited). Department of Earth and Ocean Science, University of North Carolina Wilmington.
- Da, C., E. Kalnay, and T.-C. Chen (2021): Multilayer observation localization for nonlocal observations in the LETKF. World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)-World Weather Research Porgramme (WWRP) Symposium on Data Assimilation and Reanalysis.
- Da, C.. and E. Kalnay (2021): Improving tropical cyclone predictions by assimilation of satellite-retrieved surface precipitation with Gaussian transformation. World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)-World Weather Research Porgramme (WWRP) Symposium on Data Assimilation and Reanalysis
- Da, C., E. Kalnay, and T.-C. Chen (2021): Multilayer observation localization for nonlocal observations in the LETKF. 101th Annual Meeting of American Meteorological Society.
Before 2020
- Da, C., and E. Kalnay (2020): Preliminary results about assimilation of altimetry observations in the CFS-LETKF System. 2020 PSU-UMD Data Assimilation Workshop.
- Da, C. and E. Kalnay (2019): Improving tropical cyclone predictions by assimilation of satellite-retrieved precipitation with Gaussian transformation. 17th Joint Center of Satellite Data Assimilation Technical Review Meeting and Science Workshop, Washington D.C.
- Da, C. and E. Kalnay (2018): Improving tropical cyclone predictions by assimilation of satellite-retrieved precipitation with Gaussian transformation. Fall Meeting of American Geophysical Union, Washington D.C.
- Da, C., (2017): Assimilation of the GSMaP precipitation Data with the SCALE-LETKF system. RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computer Science, Japan
- Ren, L., C. Da, and M. Yin (2016): Bias and Observation Error Characterization of the Fengyun-2F Stretched Visible and Infrared Spin Scan Radiometer for Its Radiance Assimilation, 96th Annual Meeting of American Meteorological Society, New Orleans, LA.
- Da, C. and X. Zou (2014): An objective regional cloud mask algorithm for GOES Infrared Imager with Regime-dependent thresholds. 94th Annual Meeting of American Meteorological Society, Atlanta, GA.